Marneshia Gonzales’ “Nancy Drew” books were being boxed up at the Book Harvest Dream Big Book Drive. They were her childhood favorites, and she wanted to share them.
The 12-year-old, who is in sixth grade, was giving books away with her mother, Deidre Gonzales, at the eighth-annual book drive on Jan. 21, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
“I read the same books over and over, so I like to give them away,” Marneshia said. She lives in Durham, an area that Book Harvest helps the most.
Book Harvest is a volunteer-run organization that hosts book drives for people to donate books. The books go to local schools in Durham and to children’s homes to promote childhood literacy, said Daniele Berman, communications and events manager for Book Harvest. Book Harvest’s mission is to cultivate a love for reading and ensure success in school for kids of all ages, from babies to high school students. Book Harvest benefits children throughout the state, but is headquartered in Durham. Read more>>