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WOW: 83,881 books!

Benay Hicks

Back in March, when COVID-19 lockdowns and school closings were new, I knew that if our kids were going to come through these challenging times as well as they could, they were going to need the escape and the nourishment of stories. And I knew that we at Book Harvest were being called like never before to keep learning alive with books. 

That’s why my colleagues and I set ourselves the audacious goal of providing 75,000 books to local kids and families by the end of August. That’s today — and I am thrilled at the results we just tallied.

With your help, we surpassed our goal: in the 153 days between April 1 and today, 83,881 books have made their way into the hands and homes of local young readers. That’s an average of 548 books per day, every d


YOU donated those books. YOU helped get those books into the hands and homes of local families. YOU read those books to your kids. YOU made financial contributions to help keep the books flowing.

YOU helped us keep learning alive all summer long.

Thank you. My faith in our community has never been stronger. Though the challenges to our children’s learning continue, your activism and involvement affirm what I’ve known all along: our community cares deeply about our kids and their success.

As we at Book Harvest enter our second decade, we do it with an awareness of how important it is, now more than ever, to continue to support our kids and families in their pursuit of their dreams — and in keeping learning alive.

Thank you to everyone in our extended family for your giant hearts and your essential partnership. You inspire me.

And by the way, summer may be over, but our Rapid Response is not! Grab and Go contactless book pickup hours continue daily, and we’re providing books to learning centers, community organizations, and more. Get all the details and see our calendar here!

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