By Gabby Hart, fifth grade member of Girls on the Run at Our Lady of Lourdes School in Raleigh, NC
I can’t believe we collected 932 books! Our goal was 500 and we got WAY more! You may be thinking how and why we got that many. For some of the girls on the team, it was our last year and we wanted to do something different. I wanted to end with a bang! We decided we would need help reaching our goal, so we asked everyone in our school to bring books – we collected books from kids in carpool. The first day it was slow, but the next day it was AWESOME! We got so many books but we still had no idea just how many. At our next meeting we decorated boxes to put the books in that we were going to give away. I mean if you are going to give away a present it should come in a pretty package right? Plus it is SUPER fun to decorate. The proudest moment for me was when our coaches told us how many books we had collected – almost double our goal! Girls on the Run is amazing – we learn how to be good a runner and a good friend AND help others! I am so excited we got to give 932 books to people that need them!