With just 9 days to go until the Dream Big Book Drive on MLK Day 2018 kicks off, we’re counting down…and counting up some exciting numbers, too!
45 book drives are already registered!
See the complete list here. Your drive can be listed here, too! All the tools you need to run a book drive in your neighborhood, school, congregation, civic group, or workplace are in our online toolkit.
198 people have already signed up to volunteer, and just a few spots remain!
Check out the remaining spots here. A limited number of walk-in spots will be available on MLK Day as well, but your best bet is to register in advance!
64 sponsors have already signed on!
There’s still time to become a sponsor! See all our wonderful sponsors to date here! Want to join the crowd? Learn how here.
21 people have responded via our Facebook event! (Wait: only 21?!?)
Check it out now and help spread the word! This is an easy way to invite all your friends to join you at the celebration!
As-yet-uncounted THOUSANDS of books have already arrived at our office!
Round up your own new and gently used children’s books! Bring them to Durham Central Park on the afternoon of MLK Day, and plan to spend the afternoon celebrating with us!